Every detail must be selected with care in order to ensure that each clothes hanger is in harmony with the space it is intended for. The optional combinations of the metal parts available help to create vintage, contemporary, design or pop effects.

Hooks are available in various hues of colour from classic brass to bronze and from champagne to black matt epoxy. Hooks are available in different shapes and sections according to the client’s preference.
There is a particularly wide range of clips in shapes and sizes to meet different aesthetic requirements, always ensuring perfect grip owing to the non-slip rubber inside them. Upon request, a ring can be applied to the clips to prevent the appearance of signs on the more delicate fabrics.

Clothes hanger trouser bars are available in different colours, sizes and diameters to suit the shape of the hanger chosen. They are flocked in a matching colour or have a detail in silicone with an invisible non-slip action.
For evening dresses, there is the option of a shoulder with a notch to insert very thin straps and a clip to hook the loop inside the bust. The clip to ensure that the strap doesn’t slip applied to the underside of the shoulder is practical and unobtrusive. The non-slip ring is convenient and is removable so that it need only be used when necessary.